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Showing posts from May, 2020

Issues within Evolution

With this week's readings, the differences in thoughts and views are brought up and challenged. And rightfully so. We are taught as anthropologist the ideas of the western white men that came before us and how we could affect and change them. During their time they the only ones in the field, with no one to challenge their thinking. The conclusions made in the past of the superiority of the "white race" in evolution are very much wrong. This topic is widely debated and is brought up in many other anthropology class as well as other disciplines. These readings brought up the many issues that are mentioned in many classes within the humanities. The thought of the white race as superior to all others, Asian and African regions of evolution as inferior and primitive, as well as today's group of anthropologist not being diversified because of the old (and some new) views of white supremacy. The racism is clearly stated within evolution teachings from the past and some have


Hello! My name is Sara Drake and I am a senior majoring in Biological Anthropology with a minor in Criminal Justice at Appalachian State University. This is where I will be posting my responses to the prompts of the class and giving my thoughts on the different subjects. I hope you all are doing well and I am excited to interact and discuss Human Evolution with all of you!